Zubaan is a leading independent publishing house based in New Delhi with a strong academic and general list. It was set up in 2003 as an imprint of India’s first feminist publishing house, Kali for Women, and continues to publish books on, for, by and about women in South Asia.
The History Of ZubaanOur academic list covers a range of subjects in the humanities and social sciences from research monographs to textbook and supplementary material for students. Special areas of interest include conflict studies, health, human rights and gender justice, history, cultural studies, and feminist and queer theory.
Our Publishing ListsZubaan’s name is associated strongly with high quality fiction by women in South Asia, both in translation and written in English. Our trade non-fiction includes memoirs, popular history and books on the women’s movement for a general audience. Under the Young Zubaan imprint, we also publish a range of fiction and non-fiction titles for younger adults and children.
Meet The TeamAlongside our publishing activities, Zubaan has a sister wing: a not-for-profit trust handling a variety of research and outreach projects in the areas of gender, feminism and the women’s movement.
Zubaan ProjectsTHE NAME ZUBAAN
Zubaan’ is a Hindustani word meaning tongue, voice or language. It is often used in a pejorative sense to refer to ‘women’s talk’, or ‘gossip’ – generally for women who talk too much! We are proud to reclaim the term on behalf of all those whose voices are silenced or marginalized by the mainstream, and will continue to be heard no matter others say.
activism alison bechdel amazing women Anitha Balachandran Annie Zaidi Assam Assamese literature children's literature dalit rights dalit women e-essays Easterine Kire Events family Feminism Fiction film Fragrance of Peace interview Jaipur Literature Festival kabi nagata Kashmir memoir Mitra Phukan Northeast Northeast List Northeast literature on topic Pakistan Queer writing racism Reader Review review Sasakawa Peace Foundation section 377 sexual harassment Throwback Thursday Trans Rights women's movement women's writing Young Zubaan Zubaan Zubaan Books Zubaan in the Media Zubaan Talkies
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