Presenting Part II of ‘What We’ve Been Reading Lately’ and hoping that we can make it a more regular feature.
What’s on T.V.:
- A feminist reading of Orange is the New Black. (Psst, Season 3 is out!)
- Oh, and Laverne Cox on her activism and why she loves OITNB.
- If GOT thinks rape is necessary, GOT stops being necessary.
On trans-activism, trans and queer identities (internationally and in India):
- An important read on how to help a trans friend transition.
- A look at the prejudice against being Queer Femme and how to address it.
- Some insightful observations and questions on the queer movement in India.
- The tension-riddled intersections between feminism and queer activism (ref. abortion rights and same-sex marriage)
- A powerful poem on what ‘coming out’ for people of color is like, especially to a homophobic family.
- Trans-gender/Trans-racial— not as interchangeable as you think! On the Rachel Dolezal controversy.
On the Obergefell verdict:
- The US gives a thumbs-up to same sex marriage.
- On the dangers of romanticising marriage and why the Obergefell verdict is more about fundamental human rights than ‘lou’.
- On why legalising same-sex marriages alone is not enough when it comes to LGBT rights.
- An old but pertinent article on the problematics of the very institution of marriage.
- Cynics and supporters, on the notorious rainbow DPs on Facebook.
Selfies and Sexism:
- On the viability of the #SelfiewithDaughter.
- Kavita Krishnan and Shruti Seth‘s rejoinders to twitter trolls.
- On the troubling nature of selfies, tweets and life on social media.
- ‘Can selfies be feminist?’ The Yes, the No and the Maybe.
On Gender, Sexuality & Feminism:
- A love piece on understanding and negotiating sexuality during school life.
- On the new digital spaces of feminist activism.
- Looking at the intersection of gender and theatre, check out this exciting new book from LeftWord.
- The first world neo-liberal co-option of feminism that allows exploitation of young girls working in sweatshops (From a socialist feminist perspective).
- A lovely video from students of DU on menstruation and menstrual taboos.
- On failed sterilizations and other conversations, a short piece by one of our SVI (Sexual Violence and Impunity) writers.
Happy reading!
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